Crafted with ♥ in Grand Rapids, MI
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December 21, 2021
This article isn’t about Wedge.
It’s not about our technology or how we save recruiters time.
This is about the recruiters who use Wedge and the impact it can have on a candidate’s experience.
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve had several candidates reach out to us directly and sing praises about their experience with our platform.
“I just completed an interview and it was AWESOME! This was my 1st experience with your organization and I’m impressed!”
“Best Interview Ever...”
While we believe we’ve built something special that makes it easier than ever for both recruiters and candidates to build rapport, Wedge can only do so much.
What these candidates experienced was recruiters who cared about getting to know them beyond the resume. These recruiters asked personalized video questions that engaged a candidate’s creativity and allowed them to have fun with the interview process.
Questions such as:
“Tell me your favorite joke?”
“If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be and why?”
“Tell me about your worst sales story and how you laugh about it now.”
“Please tell us about a time you hacked a (non-computer) system to your advantage.”
The goal of screening talent early in the recruiting process is to find candidates that are worth spending more time on. Candidates who you might want to call co-workers. Candidates who you could see yourself doing a “Zoom Happy Hour” with.
More often than not, the candidates that are best for you don’t have the right experience and background. But what they will have is the right attitude, mindset and aptitude to be successful on your team.
Asking questions that start a dialogue beyond qualifications and experience, is usually the best way to do that.